Sandy Caspi Sable

Sandy is a consultant with Triad Consulting Group and an executive coach with deep expertise in the fields of leadership development, communication, negotiation and conflict management. She has worked across a variety of industries including financial services, mining, energy, law, and manufacturing. Clients include the National Australia Bank, Qantas, BHP, Crown Casinos, Visy and the Department of Treasury and Finance.

Sandy co-founded the Negotiation and Mediation Skills course at Monash Law School and is currently a chief examiner in the subject. She has held a number of advisory positions in the Australian dispute resolution industry and has numerous publications regarding negotiation and conflict management.

Sandy has served as a consultant at Conflict Management Australasia, prior to which she held a leadership role within Deloitte Australia’s consulting practice. She was a co-founder of act3, a career-life coaching consultancy for senior executives contemplating their "3rd act." Her interest in diversity and inclusive leadership practices has enabled Sandy to work with leaders both domestically and abroad to improve their culture and leverage the value of difference.

Sandy’s background is in law and economics, and she completed her PhD on interest-based problem solving.

Outside of work, Sandy mediates the toughest disputes of all – those between her 3 children.