Lily Lin, Lead Program Coordinator

Lily is the Lead Program Coordinator at Triad Consulting Group. She coordinates program logistics with Triad's consultants and clients, assists with creating and improving program materials, maintains Triad's extensive client database, and collaborates with her team on various internal projects.

Lily was born and raised in Boston and is a city girl through and through. She holds a B.A. in Neurobiology from Harvard College and is fascinated by the vast spectrum of human behavior. Lily previously worked at a boutique law firm and a world-class research institution. She has a wealth of administrative experience and brings with her a passion for thoughtful organization, efficiency, and continuous process improvement.

Outside of work, Lily dedicates most of her time to various hobbies. She spent 10 years as a breaker/bgirl (commonly known as a breakdancer) and trained, performed, competed, and hosted events with Boston's legendary Floor Lords Crew. Nowadays, she enjoys knitting, journaling, watching anime, playing video games, and spending time with her cat.