Ann Garrido

Ann is a Consultant with Triad Consulting Group and an Associate Professor of Homiletics at Aquinas Institute of Theology in St. Louis, Missouri where she has taught leadership, conflict management, and communications, in addition to other courses. Ann is the author of eight books including two on supervision, focused on walking the talk of your convictions and management focused on service to others. Her current writing project deals with questions related to truth and social media.

Ann first became passionate about healthy approaches to conflict management in 1990 after a six-month period in Sierra Leone on the eve of the country’s civil war. Since then she has taught and lectured on Difficult Conversations and Feedback in a variety of environments. Recent engagements include Johnson & Wales University, Catholic Relief Services, and the National Association of Catholic Chaplains.  She has worked with Sheila Heen teaching for the Boston University Religion and Conflict Transformation Program and at Washington University's Olin School of Business for the Women's Leadership programs.  Ann has also spent a significant amount of time working on the Rocky Boy Reservation in northern Montana.

She once had a fistfight break out amongst participants outside her Difficult Conversations course, but maintains that this simply enriched the discussion. 

Ann holds a Masters and a Doctorate from Aquinas Institute and a B.A. in History and African Studies from Kalamazoo College.

She often works out her own frustrations in the kitchen and is unduly proud of her cherry pie.